Wednesday, November 18, 2009

This Second

At this second, I feel nostalgia slowly coming from the back of my mind, hindering my complete serenity and peace. There's a bit of me that will never let go of the things that were once important in my life, that I have sacrificed much thought and feelings for. There are many decisions of the past of which I regret having made; many events where I have made mistakes or errors. These are the things that make up who I am today, as every failure, mistake, hindrance, is a tool that may be used in the future. They are life lessons that stay in your mind that are both subconscious or subliminal, only appearing when it is time to recall the fact.

With these thoughts to help you in your way to succeed, it depends on what experiences you have had that make you either succeed or fail in life. These experiences differentiate you and me. I am the type of person who holds on to memories; I store mementos in the form of movie tickets, photos, gifts, anything that reminds me of the fond experiences and delights from the past. I do not want to grow up older forgetting who I was as a child. I want to know who I was, what I did, and everything about myself. Forgetting is one of my greatest fears.

As of now, I aspire to become successful. Successful in helping the world for the better, to become known and written down in history. I fear of flaunting riches and falling towards lust and greed. I must be different than everyone else; I will be strong in ways others are weak. The stronger will succeed and will live a life of content and happiness.

I believe one's capability in writing defines who they are. To understand written material proves one's intelligence in learning ability. The ability to grasp concepts is how I measure intelligence; the level of analytical skills.

Laziness is man's greatest weakness. The difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful person is the determination. You can be smart and shrewd, but what use is the intelligence if there is no way to apply it in a way that benefits the society? It is useless. Creativity is also needed juxtaposed to dedication and innovation, in order to become a success.

You and me: we are different. In ways you would not expect.
I choose to write this post in this form so that you can grasp a sense of knowing who I am, and who I can be.
Compared to my previous posts, you see the laziness I have. When compared to this, you can see the potential that an individual, such as myself, have. This is who I am. Lazy and careless on the outside. Inside, a deep in thought human being who appears to be like everyone else.

Who are you?

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