Monday, March 29, 2010

School Sucks PT. 2

So from my previous post, I wasn't an attorney. I switched with someone though, so now I am.
Today I took a AP Lit test on poetry. It was alright. Maybe I got a B or something. Almost didn't do the chemistry homework.
School is gay and is raping me in the butt. I just personified school. (Thanks, Lukey)
Other than that, life is alright.
Played really well in basketball yesterday. Feeling sick and I don't seem to be getting better.
My nose is making hecka boogers. I blow my nose every 5 minutes, and I have a pack of tissues with me in my pocket. Frick.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I hate it. I'm in US history and we're doing a Truman trial. I wanted to be an attorney but my teacher insists that i signed up as a witness. WHY THE FRICK WOULD I WANT TO BE A WITNESS. UGH FML.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Right Now


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Where Am I Going?

I haven't been so disappointed for a period of time in my life than this year. So many things have happened that I didn't expect, most of it for the worse. Although most times I was able to look to the good side, sometimes I'm just trying so hard to make it seem like it was good, but really there isn't any good that came out of it.

It's not like I ever learn my lesson. I never change, as it's too difficult. Bad habits are easy to keep. It seems as though I've given up on everything. Everything around me seems to be collapsing, anyways.

I'm never able to finish the last bite. I stared at my hamburger this evening, and there was only one bite left. I didn't want it, however; I was satisfied. This happens almost every time I eat a meal. There's a bit of rice left, there's some meat left, but I won't finish it. It just seems... so unappealing. This is how I deal with life. I never finish what I start. I get so close, but get so lazy, so bored, so content with where I am, that I give up and move on.

In the long run, it's going to cause many problems for me. What future will I have if I'm constantly doing horrible on tests? If I'm not gaining the respect of my peers? What can I do? These false leaders have no passion, they don't do it cause they love it, they do it for themselves. Their own unneeded, unnecessary benefit. Selfish as I may seem, I speak what I believe, and I believe that I am not the selfish one.

My priorities are all screwed up. God and school are at the bottom. Friends and family seem to be on the top. Quite frankly, friends seem to be the only thing that has an affect on me. It's like I don't want to have anything to do with something that isn't about now. The future is unimportant, and I live life in the moment. This isn't the right way to approach life.

My life has been broken in pieces, and I really have no idea who I am, and what I'm going to be doing. I talk the talk, but I can't walk the walk.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Girl I Want

The girl I want has to be able to watch a sunset/sunrise with me and just fully take in the beauty of it. They have to experience the same joy and happiness that I feel just being able to be there with the significant other.

That's my only requirement :)

Monday, March 8, 2010


Just made a huge mistake. :(
My life is just a collage of mistakes. Each time I recover from one I just make another stupid one.


I miss you.

You can be many things.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Boom Bam Bang

Hi everyone. Today was a pretty chill day.
I'm emotionally confused, troubled, disturbed, but why? I'm not sure myself; there could be many factors for this.
I am in need for spiritual revival, but I am patiently waiting for it. I know God will help me when the time is right.

All in all, I'm okay. I'm alright. Things are only bad if I think about the bad things.
Don't worry and be happy.