Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Whatever [09.15.09]

Well, I haven't posted a blog in a while. There hasn't been much new. Actually a lot is new, but I don't feel like saying everything that has happened in the past couple weeks. I remember the last time I was about to post was after Sam Back's back to school sleep over. It was great.

Right now, I'm disappointed in everything. Just everything screwing everything over. Ugh what's there to do right now? I don't even feel like doing homework anyone. I'm getting mad about everything. Life is bullshit right now. Whatever though.

I'm just gonna sit back, relax, and watch the gears turn. Time's ticking and you gotta keep moving on. But yeah there's nothing really to look forward to. Homecoming? It's whatever. Too much crap happening from it.

Girls? Yeah what the frick is going on. I didn't have girl problems a week ago, but lots of things change in an hour or 24. I have tons of homework this week. Screw it. WHATEVER

Friday, September 4, 2009

Bipolar-ness [09.04.09, 11:26 PM]

Hello world. Today's weather was pretty good. It's funny though, how it's very sunny out, but sometimes it rains at the same time. I'd like to say that Seattle weather is very bipolar.

You know what else is bipolar? My mommy. She is seriously being very weird recently. Yesterday, she woke me up from a nap, yelling at me to get up and study. I just stared at her for about 5 minutes (seemed way longer) until she finally left. I went back to sleep. I didn't hear much of what she said, besides her telling me to study.

The next day (today), I was at school. Nothing really anything out of the ordinary happened. Just a dull day of school. We had a whole BCD hangout after school planned, and I was going to tell my mom about it after 5th period. I called her, and I told her that I was going to hang out after school, and then go to church. She started yelling how I wasn't allowed to go to church anymore, and then said I couldn't hang out after school. I was pissed, and started yelling on the phone, and hung up because a teacher was staring at me yelling in another language. My mom called me 3 more times, because I hung up abruptly without saying bye, which she utterly hates, and I told her it was because I was in math. After school, she drove me home and asked me in a acrimonious tone what time I was going to church. She said go study and we'd see. I pretended to study for 2 hours, on the laptop watching korean movies with my math textbook beside me, in case she checked up on me.

After my dad came home, my mom told me that I had to show him what I'd studied if I wanted to leave. I just told him it was time for church and we left.

CHURCH was wonderful. I was a bit sleepy during small groups, but it was okay. Worship was great. It was passionate, with less excitement and jumping around. It was a great time of prayer and glorifying God. What more can I expect from worship with GPC family? It's always full of fun and love. That's what being Christian is, love God and love people.

After worship, ping pong swept over the room. I sweated like crazy, which was nice. I still need to take a shower. Later, I got dropped off at home, and my mom surprisingly was very sweet and made me sushi, er kimbap, and sliced peaches for me. I love my mom, it's just that we have those moments. I prayed for patience today, and also for my parents to have patience with me.  It's actually something that we all need these days.

I'm being patient right now. Just waiting for change around me, around us, and in me.
I'm feeling pretty chill right now. I'm excited for this weekend, which will hopefully be a blast. :)
This is all for this post. Gooooodbyee and thanks for reading.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Child Thinking [09.02.09, 10:28 PM]

Today was the first day of school. It sucked, but I don't want to talk about it.

What I want to talk about is how I am scared that I might have a closed mind. I'm reading my AP Lit articles, and there was one that struck me as weird/scary. It's like I was reading something and then I started to think about something related to it, which scared me.

When we grow up in school or in our homes, we become accustomed to every little action that repeat on a daily basis. When we see each other, we automatically open our arms ready for an embrace, and when or if it doesn't come, we're confused, because it just disrupted our normal life and actions. This may also happen with other things, such as reading, or writing, or just doing normal things. We do things repeatedly everyday, and we don't open our minds to anything new. We close our minds, and we don't allow anything intuitive or ambitious to occur in our brain. Creativity is hard to obtain, as we begin to read less and focus on the computer screen for the majority of our lives.

I was beginning to think, how wonderful it would to think like a child. Children are always open to new ideas, and the windows of learning new things are always open, until their young adult years.  I wish to keep my windows open, and to always learn new things. I've always been thinking, about writing down every life skill needed to succeed in life. Whether it be social, math, english, or any subject, if it benefited me, it could benefit others. Knowing things like, picking your nose and eating your boogers is unattractive, would definitely help a kid who didn't understand what the problem was with eating your own boogers. Or maybe skills for talking to a girl, or learning a formula for math or something. Anything. I wanted to write down these little life lessons, so that if I had a child I could present them this book or list so that they wouldn't make the simple mistakes as I had. But now, I realize that these kids, they need to learn by themselves and first-hand experience all these things. Like if the girl they liked saw them eating boogers and they were disgusted, I highly doubt he'd do it again. I never ate my boogers, I just knew it was gross. I was on the bus the other day and I saw a grown man of around 35-45 eating his boogers in front of all his friends. I just hope my child doesn't learn the same way he did. As for me, I'm going to keep these windows open as long as I can, and hopefully stay a student who learns until I die. I don't want to limit myself to what I can know, and really expand my boundaries of thought. I really want to learn something new, everyday.

Now time to continue my homework. Frick.
Oh and I think I'm sick because I left my window open while I took a nap. Shoot.

FRICK [09.02.09, 12:24 AM]

Frick. I should be sparknoting Scarlet Letter right now, but I'm choosing not to. Hopefully, school tomorrow will be easy enough so that we don't do any real work. Right now, I am definitely not ready for school. I just can't believe that it's school later today. It just hasn't struck me yet. I haven't bought any supplies; I still use the same pencil and eraser as I did last year, which is still in my backpack. I'm not bringing much, which might be a mistake.

I wrote a poem today. About nostalgia. I'll post it when I'm completely finished.
Heh heh
That's it, gonna chat a bit then read then sleep. DUECE

*Shortest blog

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Last Day of Summer [09.01.09]

Today is the last day of summer. I've dreaded this day all throughout summer, and now that's finally here, I'm freaking out. I haven't read any of my AP Lit books. I'm on chapter 4 of Crime and Punishment. I'm going to do some hardcore reading after this, but I doubt I'll finish. Darn. Really upset and I'm disappointed in myself, as once again I've procrastinated. SHOOT.

I don't think I'm going to be doing anything today. I'm going to eat tonight at AAA buffet, which I'm excited for. Yeah that's it. I'm going to talk about yesterday now.

Yesterday I didn't blog cause I was bored. I woke up at 1:47, and I had to be at church by 2. I got there at 2:15. We (Sam, Kaleb, JP) were taking a ... what's the word ... uhh PLACEMENT test, or just to see where we were at, for the SAT. It was two hours long, which actually didn't seem too long. We were supposed to go to the library after that (WHICH I SHOULD HAVE FRICK) but ended up going to Nacho's house, then JP's house, and just played Zenonia. All day. All night. At 1:00 I started reading Crime and Punishment, and got chapter 4 and slept. Yeah that was my day.

I might post something later if something comes up.