Monday, November 30, 2009

Oh My Gosh

Looking back, looking WAY BACK, I've noticed that I was a sweet child. Sweet and innocent.
Compared to me now, the present me is a monster. Where and when did I undergo this hideous transformation?
What the frick?

Monday, November 23, 2009


Working sucks. School sucks.
Church is good. God is good. Friends are good.
It's good to have real and transparent friends that aren't afraid to confront and just be honest with each other.

I hope tomorrow's weather will be nice for everyone to enjoy.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

This Second

At this second, I feel nostalgia slowly coming from the back of my mind, hindering my complete serenity and peace. There's a bit of me that will never let go of the things that were once important in my life, that I have sacrificed much thought and feelings for. There are many decisions of the past of which I regret having made; many events where I have made mistakes or errors. These are the things that make up who I am today, as every failure, mistake, hindrance, is a tool that may be used in the future. They are life lessons that stay in your mind that are both subconscious or subliminal, only appearing when it is time to recall the fact.

With these thoughts to help you in your way to succeed, it depends on what experiences you have had that make you either succeed or fail in life. These experiences differentiate you and me. I am the type of person who holds on to memories; I store mementos in the form of movie tickets, photos, gifts, anything that reminds me of the fond experiences and delights from the past. I do not want to grow up older forgetting who I was as a child. I want to know who I was, what I did, and everything about myself. Forgetting is one of my greatest fears.

As of now, I aspire to become successful. Successful in helping the world for the better, to become known and written down in history. I fear of flaunting riches and falling towards lust and greed. I must be different than everyone else; I will be strong in ways others are weak. The stronger will succeed and will live a life of content and happiness.

I believe one's capability in writing defines who they are. To understand written material proves one's intelligence in learning ability. The ability to grasp concepts is how I measure intelligence; the level of analytical skills.

Laziness is man's greatest weakness. The difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful person is the determination. You can be smart and shrewd, but what use is the intelligence if there is no way to apply it in a way that benefits the society? It is useless. Creativity is also needed juxtaposed to dedication and innovation, in order to become a success.

You and me: we are different. In ways you would not expect.
I choose to write this post in this form so that you can grasp a sense of knowing who I am, and who I can be.
Compared to my previous posts, you see the laziness I have. When compared to this, you can see the potential that an individual, such as myself, have. This is who I am. Lazy and careless on the outside. Inside, a deep in thought human being who appears to be like everyone else.

Who are you?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


When a guy says he's confused, he's seriously confused. When a guy asks a girl to explain, they really have no clue what's going on.
So girls, don't jump to accusations and conclusions. Please explain and calm yourself before exploding on a dude for no apparent/obvious reason.

Today I had a great time with Luke Tchao, Andrew Ling, and the Kang sisters.
Adventure status.

Everything - Lifehouse

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Huh [11.08.09]

I'm alone. But I have God with me. Many of us forget that. Including me.
Hehe. Why do I mention the solar system? Because you in my soul and system.

Because of You Remix by Ne-Yo and Kanye West


Thursday, November 5, 2009

NICENESS. Literally [11.05.09]


[20:08] Colleen: you know that bird?
[20:08] Jason: yeah???
[20:08] Colleen: he's been adopted by bluefin hahahaha
[20:08] Colleen: nooo joke
[20:08] Jason: HAHHAH
[20:08] Jason: WTFRICK
[20:08] Colleen: im not even kidding!
[20:08] Colleen: my mom told me about it yesterday

THAT'S HECKA NICE. Glad to see people step up and help others :)
That's what it's all about: just going out and just spreading the love brotha. Hehe I'm glad the bird found a place to live.

My lifee right now... hm.. it's alright. Tying up some loose ends. It's good stuff. I felt like spending today as a day of relaxation and chilling. I watched Lord of the Rings 1 and 2. Back to back. I'm too tired to watch the third one today. Maybe tomorrow? And then after I'm finished with this series, I'm gonna watch the entire Pirates of the Carribean. YEAH. Sounds hecka fun.

Anyways, don't have much else to say today. I'm frickin' tired though. Might write some more later. :D

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

SICK and TIRED [11.03.09]

Brotha, I am sick and tired. Literally and figuratively. I’m sick right now and I’ve got a nasty cough and sore throat. I guess it’s okay because I don’t have a stuffy nose, but I feel it coming up next. That’s the thing I hate most: a stuffed up nose. When my nose it’s blocked, I can’t even breathe right. With this lack of oxygen reaching my brain, I just don’t feel like I’m there. My eyes are seeing things, but what am I even looking at? My mind doesn’t even process what I do when I’m sick. I shouldn’t be going to school; I can’t pay attention when I’m sick. I have 7 packets of vocab words to memorize, which shouldn’t take too long.

I had a job interview today at American Eagle Outfitters. Do I want the job? Sure. Would I care if I didn’t get the job? Probably not, but if everyone else got the job, then I would care. I wasn’t nervous or scared, it’s just a job interview. Something I’m good at is winging it. Unless it’s something I should have studied for. Presentations, interviews, anything that requires speech is easy for me. I can speak well and proper, it’s just natural for me. I go too fast though, and sometimes stumble on my words but that’s easy to fix. For the interview, I didn’t dress up nice or pretend to be someone else. I think that that’s stupid; to go to a job interview pretending to be interested or caring. I went in the clothes I usually wear everyday. I don’t own any American Eagle clothes, except for a jacket. Won’t stop me from working.
I saw a bird today outside the mall. It had a broken foot. You could say that I was pretty concerned for it, and I wanted to help it in some way. I wasn’t lying in my interview when I said that I like helping people. I wanted to help this bird, as it was just sad to see it hop around with one foot. What am I supposed to do in a situation like that? I wanted to draw enough attention on it so that someone would come along, look at me looking at the bird, and then they would be able to help it. I guess this just shows what kind of a person I am. And then what really pissed me off is that two people ran up the bird and tried to kick it. I mean wtf? They were like in their mid twenties and they’re trying to kick an injured bird. That pissed me off. But then the bird disappeared after we got Andrew’s food. I wonder what happened to it.

There are many wants, many desires. How many, though, among these wants, are needs? A few, probably. Why can’t people just be content with what they have? I’m not excluding myself; I want tons of stuff that I can’t have. It’s just so weird, how we want things. We try so hard to impress others. We suit the common interest, not our own interests. We do what we think will make other people jealous. We don’t do it for our own happiness, unless you like making people jealous. Actually that’s probably the goal for everyone: to make everyone jealous. Too bad we care so much about what other people think. It’s stupid. I wish the whole world were blind. Wouldn’t that be so much easier? I WISH ADAM AND EVE NEVER SINNED. Then I could walk around naked and not care about anything. Well actually if they never sinned then life would be perfect.
Oh well. I hate clothing. It’s so bothersome.
I hate impressing others but I’m just a hypocrite that follows the general society. Something I don’t want to be. Trying to be unique and trying to impress others ultimately ends up with opposite results. Since everyone tries to be unique, that’s not really unique. There’s nothing/no one really unique anymore, besides the people who are blind and don’t care about what people think/look like.

Interesting title here? [11.03.09]

I don't wanna finish the last blog haha. I just went to Sam's house and we just chilled.
Don't remember what I was talking about in the last post, so I'm starting new.
I have a job interview tomorrow at 3:45, and yeah I'm not nervous at all. It's just an interview. It's no biggie.
Sooo yeah I'm content with life now. :)
There's no drama no crap nothing bad. Besides school of course. Blah I hate school.
Well, I love school, just hate homework.
I'm tired.

Song of the day/week: Use Somebody

Thoughtful post coming up soon.